Brought together by their mutual love of liquor, ladies and intricate vocal-harmony, AFTERNOON DELIGHT BARBERSHOP QUARTET use their caddish charm and passion of barbershop harmony to reimagine, re-energise and re-envisage some of the world’s finest pop songs, the 90s, 00s and beyond. From Peter Andre to East17, The Police to Jason Derulo, their repertoire is as eclectic as the group itself.
Members Turkish Delight, Angel Delight, Sonny Delight and Shepherds Delight struck a (vocal) chord with audiences around the world after their video of Shaggy’s pop classic “It Wasn’t Me” was picked up on social media by UniLad back in 2016. Within a week of being shared the video had been seen by 12million people and received over 40,000 likes, with total views now being close to 30 million and still going.
Their new found fame has taken them to great new heights, having performed on the BBC Radio 2 Arts Show with Jonathan Ross and for the UEFA Champions League Final 2017 for Mastercard, as well as at Manchester United and Liverpool Football Clubs on separate occasions. They are also featured on commercials for the new Great British Bake Off on Channel4.
Available for events of any kind, Afternoon Delight Barbershop Quartet’s high impact, high quality delivery can bring a unique sparkle to any occasion!
“Prices start from £2,000”